Welcome to Lionheart publications!

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Lionheart Publications is an independent publishing house dedicated to presenting works by emerging and courageous fiction writers, leading authorities and trailblazers in their professional or literary disciplines, and timeless classics that dare challenge deceitful dogma and propaganda.

Our Genres

Lionheart Publications publishes three major genres:

The Writer's Crucible

Every light you see in that cityscape above represents an author somewhere who at this very moment is in the writer’s crucible.  The still hours between midnight and dawn when the rest of the world is at rest so often find the writer hunkered over a keyboard, locked in the struggle to produce the next masterpiece of fiction or a paradigm-shifting idea.  Combining the art and craft with the tedious mechanics of writing can be an arduous process that makes the stereotype of the author as a tortured soul all too real for so many writers.

This is the writer’s crucible . . . that place where the fires of hard work and inspiration relentlessly burn away the slag and, when the conditions are right, leave pure gold.  It is not just the work that is purified during this process, but the writer, as well.  When the words won’t come of their own volition they must be wrenched from the writer’s soul.  Trimming away the excess can be a form of emotional surgery for which there is no anesthetic.  The hours spent in the writer’s crucible can be pure agony at times.  But the writer's dream is that his or her agony will provide readers with joy and inspiration . . . or at the very least some entertainment and a respite from the tensions of everyday life.

Lionheart Publications is a place where the works of those who have endured the writer’s crucible can be found.  As an independent boutique publisher, we offer readers the works of authors whose talents have yet to be discovered by the mainstream and the masses, as well as some whose ideas are too controversial or unfashionable for publishers too greed-driven or cowardly to risk giving them a chance to develop their voices and styles.

Instead of a literary agent or an editor deciding what an author should or should not be allowed to write or publish, at Lionheart Publications we allow readers to decide what is worthy to be read.  Most of our authors publish excerpts, sample chapters, or even complete works for you to read absolutely free … and if you like their style and their ideas, you can purchase their works in our online store. 

Freedom of choice!  Readers—not self-appointed arbiters of truth and taste—deciding what they like and don't like; what they can and will read ... what a novel concept!

Some of our authors also maintain blogs to afford you the opportunity to critique their works or interact with them.  This can help our writers find their voice, their readers, and refine their writing style and craft.

Recent Updates

New Website Format
After struggling for nearly a year to complete our website using a more contemporary format, we have returned to our original "noir" themed template.  Not only is it easier to use and update, but its theme is more consistent with the philosophy and values of Lionheart Publications.

Coming Soon
Our "Works" and "Authors" pages are under development and will be uploaded in the next two weeks.

We’ve added some new links to our "Writer's Resources" section below.  Our submission guidelines are under development and will be posted soon.