Upton O. Goode

Former street thug and covert operative, Upton O. Goode, specializes in realistic stories about the underworld and the underbelly of society that reflect some of the horrors he personally witnessed in his previous careers:


Upton was born and raised in south-central Los Angeles, California and spent his childhood and teen years running the streets of Watts, Compton, Inglewood, and Long Beach.  After he was wounded in a drive-by shooting, his parents convinced him that military service would give him the discipline, attitude, and environment in which to change his life and behavior, so he enlisted in the Marine Corps.  During boot camp his disdain for authority and his scrappiness caused several disciplinary issues  that nearly got him dischaged, but instead resulting in his selection for training in covert operations for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).

He spent the next 20 years of his life performing covert para-military operations throughout the world for the DIA and NATO.  Those assignments exposed him to the activities of smugglers, terrorists, warlords, cartels, arms dealers, and banana republic dictators who are the sourge of humanity.

Upton's novels and short-stories are mostly based on the people and incidents he encountered during his time as a covert operator.  They reveal the depravity and corruption of the people and governments involved in those illicit activities from his first-hand experience.  In doing so, they also reveal the truths about human nature that most of us want to pretend aren't real.

 When he's not writing, Upton relaxes by training in kung fu and painting.  His paintings mostly focus on idyllic African scenes and themes, but a few reveal the inner demons with which he had to struggle to escape his early life and cope with some of the things he did to survive on the streets of LA, the jungles of Southeast Asia, and the lairs of some of the world's cruelest criminal masterminds.


Upton O. Goode